“Don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. So glorify God with your body.”

As Jesus prepared his followers for his departure, he told them he would not leave them alone, but that he would send the Holy Spirit to live with them. In fact, Jesus said it would be even more beneficial if he were to go away, because of the wisdom and truth and power the Spirit would bring. The Holy Spirit was to be the assurance, indeed, the down payment, of the eternal life in which followers of Christ participate.
But do we really live like this is true every day? Do we speak with the boldness of the children of a King? Do we fight our sin with confidence that victory is already ours?
For Christians, Eternal Life is not some far-off concept. It is not an unknowable paradigm shift or a future promise we are left to daydream at until the hereafter.
Eternal Life is near, it is knowable, and it is now.
The transaction is already complete! By his death and resurrection, Jesus purchased us back from the clutches of death, and he invites us to participate in his everlasting victory as soon as we accept him.
Believer, you have been bestowed with the most magnificent gift: Your very body is a temple for the Holy Spirit! As you fight for holiness, know that you do so with the power of God coursing through your veins. Glorify Him with your body, and set your mind on His eternal promise, which He has already begun to fulfill in you.